0.19.0 Changelog

Sustainer Password iMother Dearest

Updating the public version. I've been sick for almost all of October (one, two, and three) but I should've done this when it became clear I wasn't going to get the update out this month.

  • The mom route is back with a major new update of Z and Samantha going to the mall for their first major outing as mother and... well, I guess "child with a female sex" if I want to include all variants.
    • I know most of you are here for the "z_reaction_to_mom_secret == 'fully_realized'" branch, which (at the default Ren'Py text advance speed) is a whopping 2 hours and 14 minutes long (or 2 hours and 52 minutes with Author's Notes on; I ran out of Adderall during some of the writing and sort of went off the rails with a few tangential Author's Notes due to my ADHD). While there is a decent bit of content with the other variables, it's not nearly as expansive.
    • Anyways, the route features Samantha and Z engaging in a wide range of activities together, some wholesome, some stressful and taxing, and some enlightening. Two of them (a visit to a carrier store for a new phone that leaves Z empty-handed and a "z_reaction_to_mom_secret == 'fully_realized'" exclusive visit to a legally-distinct Build-A-Bear Workshop) were Sustainer patron requests. I won't spoil even more, but I think the writing is sharp, nuanced, enjoyable, satisfying, and long.
  • The "cracked" variables in the mom route have been switched to "realized." Not only does that better match with "repressed," but I am done using that rhetoric. This will break saves, which is why there's a jump point to get to the new content.
  • Fixed an issue with Ai's dialogue in Britney Day 3 throwing an error in the history screen.
  • The custom wait tag no longer has issues with kicking you from the history screen. I'm not sure if that existed before Ren'Py 8.2.3, but it's been fixed now.
  • Fixed a 0.019s discrepancy with the audio of Zoey's main walk cycle. I'm a former speedrunner with current OCD, in case you couldn't tell.
  • In related news, fixed an issue with text tags not filtering right in the history screen when they should.
  • Fixed an issue with some animations of characters dropping down a few pixels at times
  • Added an easter egg on Ai's spriteviewer screen in the mom route.
  • A few more Author's Notes here and there as I re-read the game's script, the most notable being at the start of Keisuke Day 9.
  • Shifted some of the fonts' text shaper back to freetype. I got really fed up with how the kerning looked "off" and how lines got lengthened with this game's main font (Gilroy https://www.myfonts.com/collections/gilroy-font-radomir-tinkov), even if the harfbuzz shaper is more "capable" for other fonts. Hey no wait why is this font #7 bestseller on MyFonts? I need to be more hipster!
  • Speaking of hipster, I made both variants of the CaptainCaption sprites have the square glasses as I now own a very similar pair and just think it looks better on the sprites.
  • The Sam sprites (so both Samantha and CaptainCaption) got fixes to some expression parts, as well as some brand-new expression parts. This gives her/me more range and allows a few more expressions more in line with her daughter. I thought about doing "her/mine" there, but eh...
  • Fixed Britney's hand being cut off in the sprite viewer on pose A.
  • The textbox has been adjusted to let me push text (and the Author's Notes sprites) around on the fly.
  • A number of typo and bug fixes.
  • Thanks to being told draw.io has a desktop version, the flowchart can now properly export as a full-sized and legible PNG again!


redreamer-win-linux.zip 1.8 GB
Version 0.19.0 Oct 31, 2024
redreamer-mac.zip 1.8 GB
Version 0.19.0 Oct 31, 2024
redreamer-android.zip 1.8 GB
Version 0.19.0 Oct 31, 2024

Get re:Dreamer


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Nice to hear you are better again


Please Tell me Keisuke's route no longer has unavoidable sex.

if you dont lie it becomes "enjoyable" otherwise"rough" but as far as i gone in keisuke route last time it updated? no but for the new update? i dont know??


for day 1 yes, but for day 2 no (and it will remain no)
you can turn off sex scenes but this is a game about them (and how Zach has to trust another person to have it) and I think really good character moments happen in the middle of those scenes


i like alot your game by the way im not saying its bad quite the contrary i really love it sometimes i even get anxious with the time between updates because its so good so sorry if i gave off the wrong message this game is one of my favorites