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(2 edits) (+2)

Already knew myself as trans around 2018, and discovered this game a while back on my near endless hunt for GB content. Reading all of your 4th anniversary author story is incredibly eye opening and touching. Thank you for sharing your story and wishing the best for you and the future of the game! ^-^


Shit, this game made me realise I'm trans. How it do dat


Not intentionally, I assure you.



Thoroughly enjoyable and eagerly awaiting for the future of this game. Not only that, but has also made me ask myself questions that I haven't thoroughly thought of asking myself before, and while I still don't have solid answers yet, I never expected to be asking them because of a game I originally downloaded because of a TF fetish.


Good luck to you from here on out with finding yourself. It's a difficult journey I am on myself.


This is easily THE BEST game I've played everything is atleast 8/10 if I had spare money I would give it to support the game and the devs

Thank you, but treat the Patreon as a tip jar. Only give if you can afford it.

You good? You usually don't go a month without posting.

(1 edit) (+3)

Yeah, just been crunching like a monster for the now-late anniversary release. I got a little too ambitious with it and probably averaged 80 hours per week in the last month.

Hopefully tomorrow is the release, as all I have left are edits, checks, and a small bit of writing.

Don't rush development it's a big game so be patient 


So, came for lewd TF VNs, picked the mom route, left with "oh gods, I need to have a real heart-to-heart with my mother now" feels. You made me cry happy tears. I will be supporting on Patreon when I am able.

(1 edit) (+4)

 Turns out I just conformed with the people around me. A lot of things I thought were necessary weren't things I actually wanted and I convinced myself that I did. I played this game and It made me realise a lot. The game is still far from finished, but when it does, I'll play it again, hopefully as a happier person. Take care and keep up the good work :] 


Hey, good luck with "you" from a random on the internet. Takes courage and is tough. Hope you succeed!

So I started playing re:Dreamer at version 0.11.0 back when you could still alter the characters’ appearances freely. Since then, every time I download and play a new version, whenever I open the sprite viewer it shows Zoey with the last appearance I gave her on that old version - pink hair and purple eyes - and she would likewise appear that way when I return to the game.

I have delayed asking questions about this so I could experiment and find ways to hopefully get around it, and up until version 0.13.2 I had been able to do so with only slight difficulty. My means of doing this was to  either, A: start a new game on version 0.11.0, skip to the part where the gender swap occurs, change Zoey’s appearance to have black hair and red eyes (the default), save, close the game, and load the save in the new version; or B: open and close the menu and sprite viewer repeatedly until, seemingly at random, Zoey’s appearance would return to the default setting, at which point I could simply return to the game and she would look the way she’s supposed to.

If I would open the menu at any point in the game after fixing it, regardless of whether or not I had opened the sprite viewer, Zoey would return to having pink hair and purple eyes, and I would have to repeat the process again. Sometimes, her appearance would also revert simply by progressing through dialogue, or during a transition where her outfit would change, or after a cutscene in which her character sprite ceases to be on the screen momentarily, though repeated testing on my part could not yield consistent results as far as when it would happen during any of these.

I took a break from this game for awhile so I could return to it with fresh eyes after y’all had expanded upon it, but when I tried version 0.16.1 the problem persisted. And while method A still works for returning Zoey to her default appearance, method B does not. Being as A is the more difficult and less applicable of my two methods, this presents an obvious problem when Zoey’s appearance inevitably shifts back to pink hair and purple eyes. 

I am unsure what might be the cause of this glitch, but perhaps it has to do with the fact that I have two copies of the game installed at any given time? If you happen to have any insight into this, I’d be very appreciative if you could share it with me.

I really, REALLY like this game, and even if I can’t resolve this issue I’ll probably keep playing anyway just because the story is so well written. It goes so far above and beyond what I’ve come to expect of hentai VNs, let alone VNs for such a niche category as Gender Swapping, so I really can’t give enough praise as far as quality goes. Thank you for making this game, and I really look forward to playing the final product at some point down the line. 

I'll look into it in the morning, but delete the persistent file from Users/<USER>/AppData/Roaming/RenPy folder (and possible the rest of the reDreamer files if that doesn't work). Old saves are usually not meant to be reloaded, hence the jump menu at the title that jumps ahead to build new saves based on the variables from choices you have made.

How big is the android app itself, because my apk installer won't install it

(1 edit)

2 GB, but you need about 3 times that to install

how play samantha mode?

Go to the friend chose and click on her route? It's pretty straightforward, but it does require a decent bit of reading beforehand for the context of the route to matter.


Beware! This post contains HEAVY spoilers. The warning has been given.(And sorry for my bad english, but it is clearly not my native language)

So, I played all routes now of the 0.16.1 version, so I think I should give some review/conclusion to this work in progress game:

First and foremost: I really enjoyed the game so far and everytime one of the storypaths ended I was sad that there is not more story yet to explore. To be honest, when first starting the game I assumed a lot more porn and a lot less story but I got surprised by it in a very good way.

I played every path with the same c.h.e.a.t.s. which were 455452 and I think I haven't understood their meaning to the gameplay completely till now. I guess I should experiment with this mechanic a lot more in the future.

Every one of the paths has its unique style with its own merrits and flaws and I will get to them in single replys to this post as well as some other parts of this review.


The "Pre-Game":

Before you can choose a path you have to navigate through half a day of the main characters daily life. And here we come to one of my main issues I have with the story so far:

The main character Zack is often times annoying as hell. Him constantly zoning out to get lost in his own thoughts thinking about all kinds of stuff an meanwhile lecturing ME THE PLAYER about it is really really boring as well as his life as a college student with all his super boring classes.

This is a constant part of the game so far which I don't think is any kind of fun at all.

I am playing kind of an adult game in an anime style here.

If I want to be lectured about science, engineering, history or whatever topic I would spent my time learning about this stuff instead of playing a Visuell Novel.

But really, I don't care at all about this shit and I got super frustrated about it always interrupting the story I actually were enjoying whilst playing the game. Maybe you can dump it a bit by using other c.h.e.a.t.s. but I highly believe most of this comes no matter how you create your character.

If I hadn't clicket through the first half of the first day to actually see some adult stuff, I swear I had shut down the game the moment the second class had started.

And to be frank: Every other route I tried after the first one I skipped through the first part of the game as well until Icould make the choice wich path I want to choose.

Lucky me being kind of experienced with low starting Visuall Novels.

So please consider this part of the game the get changed because it is really boring and I see a lot of players shutting the game down before it really gets good because of this part.

With all that said I will come to the different paths:

The first path I choose by accident (meaning not knowing which decision so far is important to alter the story) was the "telling no one about the gender bender". I was surprised that the decision to "not make someone my re:Dreamer-buddy right now" will lead to a mind collapsing situation.

I really enjoyed the story, especially the elements of lovecraftian horror and the really nice written BJ scene between Zoey and Haze, which made the feelings of Zack/Zoey as understandable as they feel realistic to me. I felt I could relate to Zack/Zoey in this situation a lot and this comes from a streight male so congrats on achieving that.

As I told in a first post I have written here on this site, the only thing that has bothered me a bit was the implication in one scene that being upright and ready to endure whatever fate has brought on was considered to be male behaviour whilst being frightened and starting to cry was considered female behaviour. To me that felt wrong. It was not the story, but the telling of it in this one scene what has bothered me, but I think it is not a big deal at all.

The story is great and I hope I can continue it as soon as it is written to an end someday in the future.

The second path I choose was the "tell my mom" path.

I really liked it in most of its outcomings, especially the acceptance of Zoey/Zoe being a female born in the wrong body but now owning a perfectly fitting body.

Yes, Samantha is a really complicated and exhausting character to be with most of the time and yes I think the problems I have with the main character and all him/her lecturing me about stuff I really don't care about are kind of doubled in this path but I thought it was fun having Samanthas company and learning so much about Zoey/Zoe and why she is as she is including his/her family background to some extend.

Really well written story so far and again I hope to be able to play it to an end someday because I enjoyed it.

The third path I choose was the Keisuke path.

This one I guess was the most fun path and the one with the most and also most enjoyable sex scenes in it.

I guess this is the kind of storytelling most people expect when running the game for the first time and playing through the whole boring first part before the gender bender.

I really think Keisuke is an enjoyable character who complements Zack/Zoey in a lot of ways.

The weird lovestory between him and Zack/Zoey is fun to watch.

I am a huge fan of kinky romance Anime with a weird story and the Keisuke-path fits perfect for my tastes.

The Britney path was the last I played and to be honest the one I enjoyed the least.

Britney is a character which I feel is exhausting to follow in almost every single way except her good looking. But this is not my biggest concern. My biggest concern whith this path is, that I think it is really boring in a lot of ways especially after playing the other paths.

If I felt often times annoyed by Zacks/Zoeys everyday college routine and his/her inner monologues I think it is the worst or let's say the least I can tolerate at the Britney path.

The story besides the college is kind of boring too, with the church thing and all.

What I mostly enjoyed were the phone calls with Zacks parents and everything else which gave more insight about characters and events mentioned in the other paths of the game.

Also I had the pleasure to enjoy a bug after the arcade hall scene. Everytime since the minigames happened, I got an explanation of the minigames manuals when I loaded a savestate. Yes, it doesn't matter which savestate I loaded since then as long as it was a safestate of the Britney Path after the Arcade Hall and yes it happaned even after shutting down the game or my PC.

Here are two pictures of this bug:

(1 edit) (+2)

I really am loving this game.

So far I have played two of the paths I guess. 

The one you get when you don't tell anyone about your situation was my first run. I liked it a lot, especially the horror elements and all the feelings when giving a special treatment to Haze. The only downside I figured was that facing a potential death standing on your own is considered as "male" and being fearful and pathetic crying for help is considered as "female". I am not against the whole situation in the story, but I am offended about the attributes given in the brackets of the choices to make. Besides this the story was interesting and I hope to see more about it in the future because this path seems to be not finished yed!

My second run was the path you achieve when telling your mother about what is happening. This one I liked a lot! Very nice story so far. Again I hope to see more about it in the future, because this path also seem to be not finished yet! 

Next I think I will try the path with the childhood friend, expecting a lot more sex than shown in the other paths so far, but maybe the story will surprise me again.

Overall there is one thing bothering me:

Why is it that some artworks are censored and some other are not? And why even censoring at all? Very strange and I don't get it at all.

Well, besides that this game is one of my favorites so far, so please keep up the good work!


I'm glad you liked the VN so far!

Some of the CGs are censored as they are old placeholder CGs in the process of being replaced.


Okay, I played the Keisuke path and this is also really entertaining!

I hope it will get finished soon as well as the other two paths I played. 

Absolutely enjoyable game even if it is not at all what I was expecting when downloading it.


Well I am loving this game so far, being trans myself I know some of what Z is going through when you crank the trans stat up. And the fact your C.H.E.A.T.S stats have an effect on the story told is amazing. I do know that I made duplicate saves at the selector for who your partner is, and I'm loving the differences in each path so far. 

The path with mom is very emotional, and moms empathy for your situation is phenomenal (in her own way that is), especially for me cause I lost my mom like a decade ago and wasn't able to come out to her in person so this kind of feels like a form of therapy for that (also my mom was told and expecting a girl as well, which mirrors the Mom/Z story almost perfectly in my case.)

Sadly my only complaint is not with the game it's self. I'm tight on money and I noticed that the $3 patreon doesn't give new build access early but the $10 one is currently out of my budget range for the moment. Other than early game access the rest of the $10 option is stuff I really don't have an opinion about or is more than I really want. If there was an option between the 2 like a $5 one that gave early game access but was just a bumped up version of the $3 benefits I could justify it. As stated I love the game and would like to help with development but $10 is too much for early build access (which is all I want), and $3 makes me feel like I would just be throwing money away since it doesn't have early build access.


The $3 is for NSFW art (and isn't $1 since Patreon's billing apparently takes an absurd 70% cut when the transaction is that small). I am more than pleased you liked the game so much, and it's okay not to give anything and just enjoy it (seriously, I am good on money, so treat it as a tip jar more than my source of income). But you might be happy to know the yearly anniversary release is in a month and will be the latest version, free to everyone, with all the patron-password stuff unlocked.


so the $3 one removes the pixelation?  If I'm understanding you correctly.

Also I have seriously been addicted to the story and maxed out all but the Brittany storyline at this point. At least with my current set of cheat stats.


No, the tiers do not remove the pixelation. The art is still being made and replaced. The $3 tier is for Patreon as I cannot put NSFW image directly on public posts.

(2 edits)

Can I request a how to guide for how to extract and install re:Dreamer for Android I feel like I'm either missing something or my phone just doesn't have the capacity to install and play this, that or the the app I use for extracting isn't the best option maybe. It says around 2GB so I thought I had enough. I really want to play this and see what so unique about it.

Also what is the "actual" storage space requirement just to clear things up on how to install this because I read you need 3x the listed requirement on Android just to hopefully install?

You need about 6 GB to install it, but the APK is about 2 GB. You still need room to extract it, but a PC can help with that.

Thank you.

(1 edit) (+1)

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not very into visual novel type games but I dont know. Aside from the funny "haha sex" stuff, there's a genuinely good story here that has hit me like a truck more than once, even when its literally the MC talking to themselves. The CHEATS system is also just plain genius, and I appreciate the amount of extra work your putting in using it. Honestly I'd gush more but I don't want to spoil anything for folk going into this game, but my point is you did amazing work here.

Deleted 1 year ago

She's got nude sprites and there's a running joke about how there could be a true mom route from her point of view with scenes of her having sex with her husband, but she's not ever going to have incest scenes, nor will there be any in the game.
The most erotic I think the mom route would get would be cutaways to Z hearing their parents have sex at night and one walking in on the other while changing with some awkwardness and Samantha making a snide comment (to hide being upset her kid has bigger boobs than her) about how her son daughter has to watch their weight now with that thin waist or else they'll have to buy a second new round of clothes.

Deleted 1 year ago

Just replayed the game on the 0.16.0 version specifically the mom route (playing on Trans stats) with the new content and sprites and I must say it had a overall nice feel to it so good job.

I at first thought that I wouldn´t play any other route than Britney from lot of versions back which has since been my favourite (yes I tried Keisuke but just nope nope nope and not just from it being the "straight" route but also the way it feels forced on Z and Keisuke going from best friend to unberable frat boy) but the mom route opened up a new angle/solution to the story advancing in new way and I am here for it It has really nice and well written internal dialogues and the reconecting of mother and child with your style of writing and interesing characters will definetly become really enjoyable.


I've made this comment to reach out. I've read your post on here and the linked one on patron. I don't know what your going through, but I want to help. I've had the same realization about myself and it hasn't been easy since. I'm 20 about to hit 21 and I haven't done as hormones yet, and everyday feels like a clock wearing on me. I don't have people to talk to, and right now coming out to my family's impossible. I know my dad's transphobic so I wouldn't be surprised if I was disowned. My mother is a woman full of surprises so I don't know what she'd think. At this point in my life I'm unsure exactly what to do, and that's why I wanted to reach out. I read you don't have a support group and I understand that completely. It suck's because on one side of you your screaming everything is wrong and on the other side you feel your heart race knowing it's a step you have to take as if your meant to. I haven't done hormones yet, as times are tuff, so I don't know how much help I can be in that regard. I wanted to say it takes a lot of bravery to do what your doing and I hope someday I can go through my own journey, and face those fear knowing I'm content with who I am (I'm shaking right now). I don't know the events that lead you here, but I'm here for you. I think we can help each other as someone who went through and knows what to expect, and someone who has yet to start at all with dreams and aspirations. I don't know how you feel, but if you need a support group to help you overcome what ahead. I'm more than willing to offer what I can a someone rooting for you at the start line.  Making that decision is hard, but if you felt half as good as I did when the realization hit then you should take pride in yourself for everything. Never feel sorry for yourself for being happy, and the gifts you have. Feel free to reach out anytime and we can talk on whatever platform you'd prefer. 

-someone with problems

Thank you. The game's discord server would be the best place, with its invite being found on this game's page.


Alright, I've joined the discord server my username is the same/similar . I don't know how, and when you want to speak so just message me when you feel. I'll respond as soon as I can, just tell me how and where.

(3 edits) (+2)

I played the Kisuke and Britney routes around 5 times each when 0.13.2 was first released, I had fun with them as most people would, but the Samantha route is pure writing bliss.  Expiriencing it with awkwardness 2 and trans 5 was perhaps the best choice someone could make. The bombshell hit me like a truck and made me spend the following 5 minutes just thinking in the dark about it. Masterfully written story and I cannot wait for the next update! It did make re expiriencing the Kisuke and Britney routes again sort of hard because of how important it is for my Zoey to have that talk with her mom. Incredible story that made me fully disable all horny cgs just to expirience more of it. I recommend this game to everyone who loves heart felt stories about personal dilemmas and familial re connections. 
10/10 i want my memory wiped so I can re expirience the Samantha route blind again.


i liked this one alot keep up the great work


Right of the bat, I was not expecting to strongly connect to one of the stories and that's an amazing trait to have in piece of literature. 

As it's my first time ever "reviewing" a game I hope I can portray my thoughts cohesively as I've only completed 2/- the amount of endings there  are.

I got the Bad ending #1 on my first playthrough for laughs as I just wanted to see what happened in that route and it set a very heavy and thought provoking atmosphere or tone. Then on my second playthrough I went for Zach's mother(Samantha) as I thought there'd be some spicy scenes, boy was I wrong about that.

Wonderful demonstration of his mother's GIGA Brain and illustration of Zach's response to her actions which not only made me connect to zach personally and emotionally aswell as with his parent's relationship-

(My mom has some of Samantha's traits except for the yandere thing  {thank god, dont exactly want to be the son of a murderer, let alone possible murder} and I'd say I'm closer to my dad than my mom)

-but it also made me tear up because I haven't realized how fucked up our situations are or sound like on the outside.

Final thoughts, I highly recommend the mother's route solely for the emotional ride. Also whoever or those that wrote the story, I hope I'm shedding waterfalls when that story is done bro, I want to give my desk water damage even if it's sealed haha, but on a serious note though I'm excited to see what's in store for that route. 

-bit of spoiler-

Food for thought to devs: 

part of me wants to see multiple or atleast two endings one being bad and the other good but not only would that take a long time to think and write that out, it'd complicate/contradict the fact that she hid her manupilation and tried to forcefully yet quietly control her son's future, and since he's smart enough to see through her bullshit I doubt someone like that can either "live" in that environment, or willingly allow her to remain in control which was hinted by the 'it gives me an amount of power over you' . It brings a moral dilemma for what is acceptable in life and/or parenting which I really enjoy asking why and what my reasons are for my conclusions.

I was trying to go through the keisuke route and i was at the part where Zoey is buying bras and is going to check her phone an I get an error screen saying an exception has occurred and that the key error is the lovely ai. Ive already tried reinstalling the game and it didnt work is there anything i can do to fix it.

It's been fixed in 0.16.0, but you can click ignore about 20 times and skip the short conversation (it's mostly Ai telling Zach he'll be his drill sergeant for exercise "of all kinds").


holy jumbo tsuruta reference i love you



(6 edits) (+2)

I have a few, let's just say repressed desires and fantasies, This game Unchained them and made me feel emotions beyond my understanding and comprehension. It made me feel good inside, and very soon I was addicted. The writing was so good, and the characters all had their little quirks and moments that increased my enjoyment tenfold. Then came a deep frustration that was the fact that the game wasn't complete, it was still very much a work in progress, and I was yearning for more. Like anticipating the sequel to the cliffhanger of a good book, the feeling was suffocating to say the least. This game lives rent free in my head now, and as long as the game isn't finished, it will continue to torture me. 

In  all seriousness this is an amazing game and I have enjoyed almost every single moment of it (though the amount of blue balls I have experienced during the Britney route is unfathomable, though that is subject to change soon I hope).  I know that the game is still in its early stages, you guys have obviously been putting a lot of passion and hard work into this beast of a project (considering the massive amount of work needed to be done for a single creator). I would definitely support on patreon if I could, and support this game for the amazing potential that it has. 

Britney is getting a new HCG set for Day 3 (Sunday) that you can check the details of on Patreon.

Thanks for the info, and just a question: Is there an area where we can submit bug reports? I found that an error occurred  during the Keisuke route in the changing room while trying to answer Ai's texts. Maybe you have already fixed this in the new iteration of the game, but just asking in case of future problems. (using a Mac btw)

The game's Discord server would be best.


Wow, im genuinely impressed. I expected a run of the mill gender bender story. I cant express how pleasantly surprised i was! The writing and the characters are fantastic, and i really enjoy all of the scenes with them. This is definetely something i'll want to support on patreon!

Deleted 1 year ago

Stats that aren't Trans and Awkwardness are more subtle. More specifically, Control and Horniness can overlap to make Zach varying degrees of a more active sexual partner, a more dominant sexual partner, a more submissive sexual partner, or a more passive sexual partner, but it can never make him fully abstain from becoming a sexual partner to the route partner.

Due to many sex scenes being required to advance the plot as pivotal character moments that change Zach's relationship with their route partner (something especially true of the early sex scenes), I do not want to let players to avoid them in-narrative (but as always, there is a setting to skip showing the sex scenes to the player even though they still happen). That proves logistically unworkable as a single-creator to make a choose-your-own-adventure mess instead of a mostly linear visual novel with a few major variances (decision nodes) and countless minor variances (C.H.E.A.T.S. branches) along each distinct route.

Zach has many very good reasons for being inclined to not refusing sex (i.e., the structure of the game he finds himself trapped in, his particular relationship toward all 3 route partners, the genre of the visual novel), but narrative is the biggest reason for this.

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Which one is the canon route?


All of them accept Alone.


This game is absolutely legendary. I did the Keisuke route first, and I was not disappointed. Keep up the great work! :)

Deleted 1 year ago

Scratch that im blind

I would like a gallery in the game

(1 edit)

The sprite viewer exists, but having a gallery for CGs is not viable in the early state of this game, as it'd require an astronomical amount of work to recreate the modular variants of the CGs, and then those options would have to presented to the user in a way that doesn't obstruct the CGs, would allow scrolling the CG (many are larger than the game window), and work on touchscreen devices... and then I might have to go back and redo everything if too many engine changes occur. The non-placeholder CGs (with the exceptions of the Keisuke shower sex and Britney measuring ones, as they need reworking) can be accessed from a Dropbox folder online in the "Extras" tab on the main menu, but here it is as a hyperlink.
My advice for now is that if you want more, save the game at certain points, or press the S key to take lossless screenshots of the game window (you can press H to hide text).

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

Why is android version zip and not apk i know it can be extracted but by nit just give the apk

I don't upload it as a ZIP. does that on its end as I use Gradle to upload the folders of the loose files.
I have to upload multiple files together, i.e., for stuff like the SFX sources as a clearly-labeled file due to creative commons attribution license or else I cannot use many SFX I have, the changelog (a lot of websites scrape uploads without linking to the changelog), and the flowchart.


This is the first real review i've ever really written but holy shit i love this game i can tell there's a lot of love put in to every corner of it and i really associate with the main character zach its made me realize quite a bit about myself and in all honesty this is probably in my top 5 games of all time (although i don't really play a lot just because i don't really get the time) I really cant wait for it to be finished and when i get the money to spare ill definitely subscribe to your patreon its kinda hard for  me to put in to words how this makes me feel but its just like really good and it makes me feel very good inside thank you for allowing me to have this experience


why is my game censored

All the censored art is in the process of being replaced, as stated in the update changelogs, throughout the Patreon, and in the very first message of the game starting. Everything that is commissioned final art and not a placeholder asset is uncensored (and always will be). Artist throughput is a bit slow so please bear with a few mosaic pixels.



So one of the Dev's just came out as Trans, and is trying to move out of a shitty situation so. She doesn't wanna make a big deal out of it but I will, please support her on patreon!


Geez, this thing fucked me up in the head. Good game though, I think, just wish you didn’t get used by everyone. 

Having issues installing on android. I've extracted the APK file from the ZIP but every time I try to install it it just gives me an error and says "App Not Installed." I checked and I have enough storage for it. Any ideas what the issue is?

0.13.1 has been confirmed as working on a Pixel 4. Have you allowed installs from unknown sources and do have about 3x as much storage as the APK to make sure it installs correctly?

(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah, I have installed a few APKs before and they have worked just fine. It may still be the storage space since I only have about 2 GB free. Lemme delete some stuff I don't use and try again.

Edit: Purged like 5 GB of random shit off my phone and it installed no problem. Thanks for the help!

I can't install the game.

Can I get more details than that? What platform is this for?

It's for Android and when I try to install the game it says unable to extract file.

Use something like 7zip on your PC and install it that way? It extracts fine on my end.

Do I need an emulator to play the game?

No. It is natively for PC/Linux, Mac, and Android.

 64 bit only?


Python 3, which Ren'Py 8 is based on, it 64 bit. Sorry.

Thx for the answer )


I created this account for the soul purpose of writing a review (On second thought it is now more an Essay) on this game and it is amazing. So, far I have only completed the Alone route and I'm working my way through the Keisuke route so what I'm saying is mostly based off that, the shortest route so far (Unless you count the Mum route, which I have also completed) and it's gotten me this interested in the game.

When I'm looking for an erotic game one of the main things that I'm looking for is a great story line and the characters choices making sense for their characterization thus far. This game delivers on that and more with every decision and choice the protagonist makes based off of their choice's despite being accidental Zack makes himself into Zoey and as AI states that he has made himself who he wanted the most something impossible made possible.

*Spoilers for the alone route which it is easy and the quickest route to complete, so do it

The story has been amazing so far and I love the mental side of things explored in the Alone route. I was mostly skimming through things but I thought I got the main ideas. But the next day something struck me about the route I completed (This might be wrong entirely but if it is my interpretation of it and it got me thinking about it for a few minutes instead of working on a big project I have). Zoey as you're playing as her throughout it is being hunted by this shadowy mist then she meets Haze and he's not being effected by it. I didn't think much about it, but then all the mental implications of this entire scene hit me. The mist represented the subconscious of Zack. It blew my mind when I realized it (again it might of been stated in game but I might of missed it). 

Zack throughout his entire life has been trying to hide his female side and has oppressed Haze who used to represent those emotions due to it but now his masculine side is becoming less dominant but he still has this subconscious defense mechanism against it to try and not show his true self. But this backfires as when he does becoming female and his feminine traits start showing more and becoming the majority he dreams of himself with those traits and the mere fact that he is already dreaming himself as female really shows how adapt to the concept of being a women he was prier with it not seeing the light of day until now when his feminine traits have become more prevalent.

The story of Zack/Zoey's mental health is one that should be brought up throughout the story and with many other lewd games they don't consider what the mental effects of putting characters in positions like this are. Here's an example from another game I played with a basis of the protagonist being a male and ending up as female which, the mental health of the protagonist hardly got mentioned and when it was, it was just after the transformation and didn't heal it properly. This annoyed me, the lack of care to the character's writing but the game was still interesting from the world building.

Haze being unaffected is another main thing that drives the subconscious killing off his feminine traits thing through. Haze has probably been through the same pain that Zoey was in for less than a second for the majority of his existence but he is still willing to help out the main cause of the pain. But the fact him being around Zoey blocking off the detection of the mist as Zack/Zoey's masculine traits decrease while the opposite is true for Haze with the masculine traits wording off the mist as it has always done is just amazing writing.

The Mist as I mentioned prior represents Zack's subconscious with it being created undenounced by Zack as a  suppression method for his feminine side. This self destructive mentality, if never realized would of lead Zack to an absolutely miserable life where he would of never been able to express how he really feels without harming his mental health. 

In the end Zack/Zoey are complete again which comes with the disappearance of Haze as he has completed his purpose, to make Zack/Zoey be their true self. This results in the destruction of the subconscious hatred that Zack felt for himself and truly accept that he has become Zoey and if he didn't it would of lead him down a darker path.

TLDR, this game has an amazing representation of ones mental health when faced with becoming something you repressed your entire life.

Thank you for making this game and even if it's not at the front of the priority's list I hope for a continuation on the Alone Route.

Thank you very much, and I'm glad you enjoyed the VN so much to leave such a long comment about it. The game explicitly states almost all of what you are saying with Haze's dialogue, but you're right on the money with it either way.

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